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Romantic Russian Phrasebook

Romantic Russian Phrase Book is an easy to use and the most efficient resource of elementary Russian, developed specifically for those who are planning to visit the Russian speaking world with the purpose of dating and marriage.

The Phrasebook contains 18 units of the most commonly used, easy to remember phrases, which are critically important in everyday situations and in romantic communication between a foreign man and his Russian woman. Each unit is supplied with a set of simple grammar notes and a few sample dialogs to illustrate how the phrases can be used in everyday communication. To select the most commonly used situational phrases for the book, the authors of the course consulted with professional marriage counselor and marriage agencies' workers in Russia.

All phrases and dialogs were recorded as audio files and are provided along with the text version of the phrasebook. Learning the phrases with an audio-guide is the best way to master pronunciation in Russian. To learn more, please use the look inside option at the page of the phrase book You are also welcome to contact the author of the book.

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