Simferopol Economics and Law Department of Odessa National Law Academy (Simferopol city)
Економіко-правовий факультет одеÑької національної юридичної академії (м.Сімферополь)
Year of foundation: 2000
Ownership : state
Dean: Ivan Ivanovich Polyakov
Admissions department: (0652) 54-75-64, 54-74-65
Address: 17 Zhelyabova str., 95011, Simferopol, Crimean Autonomous Republic
Speciality: Law
Entry examinations: ukrainian language (in writing), jurisprudence fundamentals (orally)
Start of entry examinations : July 16
Full-time education only, supported by the state or by contract basis
Admission documents accepted till July 15
Preparatory course (0652)27-62-50; term of study: 7 months